Khulana heeft een vereniging opgericht!
De vereniging Co-Creatie Khulana!
Met je lidmaatschap ondersteun je onze activiteiten en krijg je een aantal leuke voordelen.
(Scroll down for Englisch version)
Met de start van dit nieuwe seizoen nodigen we je uit om deel te worden van de vereniging Co-creatie Khulana. Jouw lidmaatschap is een krachtig gebaar van steun voor onze activiteiten en stelt ons in staat om als collectief met slagkracht naar buiten te treden. De afgelopen jaren hebben ons getoond dat er een groeiende groep mensen is die in hun vrije tijd niet alleen op zoek is naar vermaak, maar ook naar verdieping, verstilling en een bewuste viering van het leven—vrij van verdovende middelen. Kerk Khulana speelt in op deze behoefte en de recent opgerichte vereniging Co-creatie Khulana is er om de belangen van haar leden te behartigen, bijvoorbeeld in gesprekken met de gemeente.
De vereniging Co-creatie Khulana is er voor haar leden. Deze leden zijn mensen die in hun vrije tijd op zoek zijn naar verdiepende en verbindende activiteiten. Voor hen staan zingeving en persoonlijke ontwikkeling centraal, meer dan status, roem of materiële welvaart. Ze zien dat duurzame ontwikkeling van zichzelf onlosmakelijk verbonden is met de duurzame ontwikkeling van de aarde en haar grondstoffen.
De kerk Khulana voorziet voor een belangrijk deel in de activiteiten voor de leden van de vereniging, namelijk door ceremonies te creëren waarin aspecten van zingeving en persoonlijke groei centraal staan. De ceremonies bieden een ruimte waarin leden hun spirituele en emotionele behoeften kunnen vervullen en hun zoektocht naar innerlijke balans en verbinding met de wereld kunnen verdiepen.
De vereniging Co-creatie Khulana en de kerk Khulana zijn nauw met elkaar verweven. Terwijl de kerk zich richt op het spirituele en rituele aspect, biedt de vereniging een bredere structuur waarin leden ook andere activiteiten kunnen ontplooien en ondersteunen. Deze activiteiten, die variëren van workshops tot bijeenkomsten, zijn gericht op co-creatie, gemeenschapsvorming, en bevordering van gezondheid en welbevinden.
Door lid te worden van de vereniging Co-creatie Khulana steun je niet alleen het aanbod dat door de kerk Khulana wordt gegenereerd, maar ook andere initiatieven die door en voor leden van de vereniging worden georganiseerd. Zo dragen beide entiteiten gezamenlijk bij aan een omgeving waarin duurzame persoonlijke en gemeenschappelijke groei kan floreren.
Wat houdt een lidmaatschap van de vereniging Co-creatie Khulana precies in? Door lid te worden, geef je niet alleen je steun, maar krijg je ook een stem binnen de vereniging. Tijdens de algemene ledenvergadering kun je meebeslissen over de koers van onze gemeenschap—een van de belangrijkste redenen waarom we voor een verenigingsstructuur hebben gekozen. Bovendien biedt een lidmaatschap je een kleine korting op de ceremonies van Kerk Khulana en op andere activiteiten in De Poort. Je ontvangt €2,50 korting per activiteit.
Je lidmaatschap wordt automatisch verlengd, tenzij je besluit op te zeggen. Op 29 december organiseren we de Khulana Family Gathering, een exclusief ledenfeest, waar we samen het leven zullen vieren en onze gemeenschap verder zullen versterken.
Vul via deze link het formulier in, je vind daarin ook een betaal link:
Khulana has founded an association!
The association Co-Creation Khulana!
By becoming a member, you support our activities and enjoy a number of great benefits:
With the start of this new season, we invite you to become a member of the Co-creatie Khulana association. Your membership is a powerful gesture of support for our activities and enables us to present ourselves as a united force. The past few years have shown us that there is a growing group of people who seek not only entertainment in their free time but also depth, stillness, and a conscious celebration of life—free from intoxicants. Khulana Church responds to this need, and the newly established Co-creatie Khulana association is here to represent the interests of its members, for example, in discussions with the municipality.
The Co-creatie Khulana association represents the interests of its members. These members are people who seek deep and connecting activities in their free time. For them, meaning and personal development are central, rather than material wealth. They understand that sustainable development of themselves is inextricably linked with the sustainable development of the earth and its resources.
Khulana Church provides a significant portion of the activities for the members of the association, namely through ceremonies that focus on these aspects of meaning and personal growth. These ceremonies offer a space where members can fulfill their spiritual and emotional needs and deepen their quest for inner balance and connection with the world.
The Co-creatie Khulana association and Khulana Church are closely intertwined. While the church focuses on the spiritual and ritual aspects, the association offers a broader structure where members can also initiate and support other activities. These activities, ranging from workshops to gatherings, are aimed at co-creation, community building, and promoting health and well-being. By becoming a member of the Co-creatie Khulana association, you not only support the offerings generated by Khulana Church but also other initiatives organized by and for the members of the association. Together, these two entities contribute to an environment where sustainable personal and communal growth can flourish.
What exactly does a membership in the Co-creatie Khulana association entail? By becoming a member, you not only show your support but also gain a voice within the association. During the general assembly, you can help decide the direction of our community—one of the main reasons we chose a membership structure. Additionally, a membership gives you a small discount on Khulana Church ceremonies and other activities at De Poort. You will receive a €2.50 discount per activity.
Your membership will be automatically renewed unless you decide to cancel. On December 29th, we will hold the Khulana Family Gathering, an exclusive members-only event where we will celebrate life together and further strengthen our community.
We look forward to welcoming you this Sunday for a joyful day of dance and celebration. During this gathering, you can also become a member and ask any questions you may have.
Below this text, you’ll find the button to the registration form, which also includes the payment link.
For the remaining months of 2024, the fee is €20.
An annual membership costs €60.
Do you have a valid Ooievaarspas? Then you’ll receive a 50% discount on the annual membership.
You can, with your pass for your membership the next time you attend a Khulana ceremony.
Please fill in the form via the link: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/4/#inbox/FMfcgzQVzNpjkJwnjgMmpJlhCQqmzQjv
Khulana facilitates the space to connect and from tis connection we co-create the (new) world together.
Co creation is the key to the new world. Why? Because co creation asks us to own our experience and make conscious choices moment to moment. To be able to make conscious choices one needs to cleanse oneself from addictions. This is one reason why all our ceremony's are free of alcohol and drugs. Also it provides a safe space for us to connect and grow together.
Statutes of our community
Khulana is a sacred community of people who use the arts to experience Source. We connect and celebrate life as a Great Sacred Mystery.
1. Practices in Khulana: The Four Pathways
Stillness and meditation are fundamental in our practice.
In our services we aspire to discover stillness through meditation, yet believe there are many way's to encounter this inner world.
The practice of Deepening
It is an invitation to look behind the first layer of perception.
We offer different practices for this. Offered in our services as well as courses run by our community members.
is a basic human need. Thru connecting with fellow beings we learn, we grow, we celebrate, we create, we exist. In our community we use the practice of Sharing to acknowledge each other. Sharing means giving another person space/time to come forward with whatever holds their minds busy at the moment. This is a powerful practice to give unconditional love to each other.
Celebration of life as it is right NOW
Many of our services contain a non-speaking dancing practice.
Dancing is a way to journey to the heart. Dancing is a path to connect to the community in an ancient manner. Dancing allows for acceptance, safety and freedom.
2. Governance
Khulana aims towards co-creation. We organise our community in the following order:
- Founders
- Co-creators, Artists and Facilitators
- Members
- Supporters
The founders of Khulana are responsible for the final decision making proces.
They aim to integrate the pathways in the gatherings and services.
Feedback from community members in various forms is a main key to inspiring harmonious choices.
Co-creators/ Khulana angels
Members that dedicate some of their time and energy to serve the community. Similar to karma yoga.
Artists and Facilitators:
People that offer workshops, dance meditations, music, ceremonies and other activities that are part of our practices.
These people are invited to gatherings by founders and/or core staff.
Artists and facilitators are also very welcome to join Khulana but do not need to in order to offer their expertise, art, activity or workshop.
People that have joined the Khulana community. Joining is official when a member has registered thru our website. During the join process members can express which principles and practices are their primary focus. These choices are not final however. Members can decide at any moment to change their focus, or to expand it to different areas.
The Khulana community exists because of the contributions of people.
Even if you are not a member, you can still support our cause.
3. Diversity
Everybody can join our Khulana community, who ever you are.
We kindly ask you to follow the guidelines as suggested during a ceremony.
5. Safety and Harmony
We stand for a safe environment and atmosphere.
If a situation is unsafe or too out of harmony, founders and co creators can decide to expel members.
Reasons for expelling members have to be severe.
Examples include violent speech, disrespectful behaviour, inability to contain destructive emotions or behaviour.
This statute is created during meetings, gatherings, celebrations in the last 3 years.
We thank all fellow beings for their input and expressions in this process.
If you feel to join our community, please fill in the form.
Let us know how you would like to contribute to the Khulana community.
Thank you!
Om Shanti