Welkom nieuwe vrienden en tribe van Khulana!


Dear dancing tribe!

Saturday 21st of september we gather again for a lovely evening filled with connection, deepening, stillness and celebration of life!

We start with our own beloved, certified breathwork master Tjeerd Buis. Breathing is an unconscious process in our body.

By improving our breathing, we improve our life.

Tjeerd: "The ultimate goal to learn about breathwork is to no longer need breathwork because your breathing- and therefore your life - will already feel amazing."

After this amazing experience with one of the biggest necessities of life,

we will be taken on another great experience by DJai Tobi.

An ecstatic dance journey is where you can experience everything that lives inside of you. We celebrate life, we dance through the night, without speaking, barefoot.


18.30 ~ Doors open
19.00 - 19.45 ~ Breathwork with certified instructor Tjeerd Buis
19.45 - 21.45 ~ Ecstatic Dance with DJai Tobi
21.45 - 22.00 ~ Sharing
22.00 ~ Closing the ceremony

22.00 - 23.00 ~ Canteen / Potluck cafe open
00.00 ~ Doors close.
